AnjFilms - Our Mission


We have a vision of making films that in someway may close the divide between racial groups. Giving them a chance to see a common experience of life, With the event of 911. Racism has again reared it's ugly head. And many innocent lives here in the US have been lost due to ignorance. OUR VISION is to make films that show all types of people in this country and thier stories. And to in someway educate and open doors for dialogue in the hundreds of communities here in this land of ours.

We greatly appreciate the help of others willing to help this dream become a reality. Be it by donating time at events to promote Our Vision and Voice. Or to financially helping with a donation to help make the dream happen. All of which are greatly appreciated and will be fully acknowledged on both Website and in the credits of the film projects. We want OUR projects to be not just the vision of one or two but the greater population.

We have not taken on the project purely for profit. The bulk of all AnjFilms Projects will be done with a portion of the proceeds if any to go to the following types of Organizations here in the USA, India, and other countries. To help women, children, homeless, elderly etc. Sometimes focusing on education, or health care.

Sample list of Organizations


Thank you for your interest and may our bond be one that grows in time and strength,
AnjFilms Productions

Independent Film Maker

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Monday, March 9, 2009

Film Community